JUNE 2021




Beloved ones, life is a special gift from God, filled with great beauty. It
is most important to show appreciation and gratitude because it will bring forth
a new dimension of LOVE within you.

The energies that are upon the earth at this time are very powerful. We see
that many are feeling

  • Anxious
  • Upset
  • Tearful
  • Lost and.. Alone

and we truly understand these emotions, dear ones.

First let me tell you that NEVER are you alone. Do not be discouraged by
these emotions.

We encourage you to be gentle with yourselves and take time to STOP and

“smell the roses.”

Begin by taking better care of your mind and your bodies.


  • Sit or walk out in nature
  • Spend some quiet time (at 15 min.) with God and your angels each day
  • Eat healthier
  • Take a nice sea salt bath (this will help to cleanse the toxins from your
  • Spend time with other like-minded people
  • Be grateful each day for the Peace, Love and Joy in your life. Speaking this
    out loud each day will bring more and more peace, love and joy into your

Your life is not meant to be painful and without HOPE. So dear ones, this
week strive to be more loving to yourself. Call upon us, your angel team, to
assist you to see and feel the..

  • Love
  • Peace and
  • Joy

in your life each and every day. Know always you are greatly loved and
cherished and never will you walk on your path alone.



Many Blessings,

I AM Archangel Michael


MAY 2014


Greetings Beloved Ones!


Beloved ones, if you want to manifest something, start. If you want to make changes (and this is a year for good changes) start. Do not say I can't. Don't wait for somebody else to give you permission, because truly no one else can give you permission. You have to decide what you want to do, and then .. do it.


It is time to allow yourselves to dream, to take action and move towards your

goals… your desires. Again, we give you three important words that assist you to

achieve your goals.


  • Believe


  • Trust (have faith)


  • Receive


BELIEVE- that you can manifest and that you deserve your

hearts desires for you are worthy to receive them.


TRUST- do not waver but have faith in the Divine Creator

and in yourself.


For together you CAN manifest your desires. Yes, sometimes you may feel

frustrated because you can not see how they will come about. We encourage you

let go of your worries and fears but believe and trust that all will come to you

in Divine time. Give gratitude each day as though you have already

received them. For when you look at them in this manner it keeps your thoughts

in alignment and brings in the beautiful positive love energy of the Divine

Creator God.


Many Blessings,


I AM Archangel Michael




Greetings Beloved Ones!

God, as you know is the creative force in the universe. God is always breathing life into your heart. In each and every moment desires are planted and can, if you are willing, be brought to the surface. At times these are what you label "small" desires: "I want a drink of water." "I'd like to have a grace-filled day." At other times, these are "large" desires: I want a house, a relationship, a new path and purpose for my life." In any case the energy is the same. A desire is born inside of you. The minute you acknowledge it you unleash a mighty force into the universe to which the entire universe must respond. If only you knew how beautiful, loving, and powerful you really are... 

So don't sabotage your dreams and desires with doubts. When inspiration arrives in your heart, say "Yes." Take action. Know you will have the energy, the time, and the resources you need to make this dream come true... all in Divine Time. Do not dim your light with your doubts. Can you have your dreams? Dear ones, only you can answer that question. We recommend you cast doubt away and say, "Yes, yes, yes!" My dreams can come true. I believe! I receive! As you align your entire being with your dreams, theUniverse aligns as well. Allow yourself to receive all that you desire, for you are the ones controlling the amount of ever present love that flows into your life.



Blessings to you,

I am Archangel Michael





Dear One,

You are sometimes kinder to total strangers than you are to
yourself. You are a magnificent being of light. Honor and remember this. We know
it is not easy to be in an earth-body. There are many demands on you. You can be
so involved with day-to-day struggles that you do not feel you have time to take
care of yourself. And yet it is the focus on your spirit that will make your
walk on earth easier.

Honor yourself in gentleness and love. You are not
alone. God has not placed you onto the earth plane without a way of receiving
assistance when you most need it. That is why there are Angels. Angels are
messengers from God who are here to assist in making your earthly life more
effortless, to bring light into the darkness, and to remind you that you are so
loved and cherished and .. That you are deserving

of love.

We know of your struggle, and we know that you are making a
valiant effort. We bless you and honor you for all that you have done and are
doing. But more than that, we honor you for who you are deep inside. We honor
that part of you which is the essence of the light of the God within you. We see
within you a spark of incredible goodness and love. This we bless and honor and
we urge you to do the same. The more you bless and honor this Divine Light
within you, the more it grows. The more this light grows, the more love you feel
and the more energy you have. The more love you feel within you, the more you
want to give to others. In this way the world is served and more light is
brought to your beautiful planet, which is in need of great blessings at this

We ask you to be gentle with yourself, to be as kind to yourself as
you are to others. Without love and encouragement a little child cannot grow to
be a healthy adult. Yet you never outgrow your need for love — and remember, it
is important to give yourself this love first, before you can fully give it to

How does one love oneself you ask? You can start with the small
things. Say, "I love you" to yourself whenever you look into a mirror. Remember
to give yourself daily acknowledgment for how hard you work, for how much effort
you give to another, for how caring you are to your children. For whatever you
can think of, acknowledge yourself. If you cannot think of anything, simply
acknowledge yourself for getting through another day on earth and doing the best
you can do. As simple as this may seem, it is very powerful.

The most important way you can love and honor yourself is by remembering who you are deep
inside — a radiant spirit of light growing stronger and more whole every day.
This is the truth of you. You can love yourself by eating in healthy ways and
doing all that you know serves your body, but true loving and honoring begins
with your thoughts about yourself. You are here on earth to express spirit in
form and to learn to be loving, joyful and peaceful. It does no good to berate
yourself because you are not yet perfectly expressing these qualities. You were
not given a manual for life on earth, so the only way you can learn is through
trial and error, and by often painful experiences which encourage you to grow
through the choices you make. You are doing just fine. Please honor this.

There are many ways you can gently love and honor yourself. We ask you to
give yourself kindness and compassion, to do the best you can with all aspects
of your life, and to call on us, your angels, to assist you at all times, no
matter how mundane the situation. I come today as a Divine messenger

  • to help you
  • to bless you and most of all,
  • to love you.
  • Receive this love and remember to...
  • Love and Honor yourself everyday.

Blessings to you,

I AM Archangel Michael





Archangel Michael's Message for January  2014


Happy New Year my Beloveds! Welcome to a year filled with love and

It is time to allow yourselves to dream, to take action and move towards your
goals… your desires. Again, we give you three important words that assist you to
achieve your goals.

  • Believe
  • Trust (have faith)
  • Receive


BELIEVE - that you can manifest and that you deserve your
hearts desires for you are worthy to receive them.


TRUST - do not waver but have faith in the Divine Creator
and in yourself.

For together you CAN manifest your desires. Yes, sometimes you may feel
frustrated because you can not see how they will come about. We encourage you
let go of your worries and fears but believe and trust that all will come to you
in Divine time. Give gratitude each day as though you have already
received them. For when you look at them in this manner it keeps your thoughts
in alignment and brings in the beautiful positive love energy of the Divine
Creator God.


Dear Ones, we wish you a year filled with Love.

Love of God

Love of self

Love of others

Know that you are never alone.

Know you never need to fear anything for we are always with

We wish you the peace of believing and knowing that all will come
to you in Divine Time.


Blessings to you,

Archangel Michael and the Angelic




Daily prayers for January


Prayer of Trust

I AM so grateful that when I allow myself to trust the new energy frequencies
there is an opening to new levels of Abundant Life. Opportunities abound to
create more Wealth and Abundance. Thank you, thank you, thank you.


Prayer of Gratitude

I AM so grateful for my physical, mental and emotional Health and Well-Being.
I recognize Wellness as my most empowered attribute and it blesses every area of
my life.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.








My Beloved Children, we love you so very much.

It is most important that you REMEMBER that…

Positive Thoughts Create Positive Results

Everything your heart desires is within your energy vortex.


You are greatly loved, you need not fear anything, for you can do no wrong.




During the month of December we ask you to pray each day the following prayer.



" Archangel Michael,
 I call upon you for Divine Love and Wisdom. I know that my mind and
emotions are eternally and continuously connected to you. I ask my higher self
to be more aware and conscious of the love and light that is within me and every
person and situation on the planet.


I AM so grateful for you help and guidance.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.


As I allow myself to step into the flow of All Creation, I
know I am not alone.
Thank you for the new level of support that is here for
me from the Angelic Kingdom.


I AM so grateful that when I
allow myself to trust the new energy frequencies there is an opening to new
levels of Abundant Life.
Opportunities abound to create
more Wealth and Abundance.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you"

Blessings to you,
I AM Archangel Michael and so it is.




Archangel Michael's message for November 2013


My Beloved ones, continue your prayers as I shared with you in the month of September and October. As you look around your world.. your plant Mother Earth, you see that your thoughts and prayers have made a change in vibrations. Therefore we, the angelic kingdom ask that you continue to pray for you are assisting the earth to feel more and more of the Creator's love.


During the month of November we ask that your daily prayers now be:


"I AM thankful for the new awakenings of Love and Abundance all over the world in the hearts of each person embodied at this time."


 My dear ones know that you are never alone and YOU do make a difference in the world.


Blessings to you,

I AM Archangel Michael.. and so it is.






 Archangel Michael's Message for September and October 2013


Greetings Beloved Ones! We love you so very


My beloved children, you truly have no idea how much YOU can change
the world through LOVE.


and TRUST that you CAN make a difference through
the love and light within you.


The time is now upon your plane when there is much need of the Love and the
Joy that you are to be shared with your fellow brothers and sisters.


With all the recent disturbances throughout the world we, the angelic
kingdom, ask that each soul pray this prayer everyday during the
months of September and October.





Blessings to you my Beloveds,

I am Archangel Michael










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© Patricia Cassel